Sunday, January 24, 2010

Urban Outfitters Music Mondays

It's Sunday but I just got a new computer (major yay!) and set-up my external mail program so that I can get rid of all the junk I never delete, and I found one from urban outfitters (the emails are always really great aesthetically anyway) and found out about Music Mondays. I haven't listened yet but one of the bands featured in a previous music monday (you can download 5 songs for free) is Vitalic, a band I've heard Garrett listening to that I really like. So, I'm planning to catch up on all the music mondays I've missed and I'll let you know my faves.

And just because I think posts without pictures are boring, here are three looks I like available at

1. Pins and Needles Peter Pan Blouse, $38.
2. Urban Renewal Sweater Zipper Tunic, $58. The idea behinf the urban renewal styles is that they refashion a piece from vintage fabrics, in this case a "mr. rogers sweater" and "90's blossom dress" + zippers. If I were cool enough, I'd make it myself. Every piece is one of a kind and a slightly different shade. Pretty awesome.
3. Vera Dress, $98

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